Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Car Accident

First of all I would like to show the general meaning of accident. It is an unexpected, unusual and unintended external event which happens in a particular time and place. If any house got fired we could called that accident. So the word of accident can in many cases. But in this subject I well specify the car accident. A Car accident is a road traffic incident which usually involves at least one vehicle hit another vehicle, another road user, or any roadside object. Driving is probably the most dangerous thing we do. It may cause death, injury, and damage has always happened. There are many factor of road accident. Although to improve driver safety, driver error plays a significant role in the cause of accidents. The failure of traffic control devices can make a serious risk to the driver. Moreover the using of electronic devices such ass phone, change a tape or use navigator can also be dangerous. Bad maintenance of the car, especially the brakes, can contribute to accidents. Drivers are responsible to make sure that their cars are safe to drive. Also alcohols are one of the most causes of accident. We can remember that what happen in 1997 to the princes Diana. She dead because of the driver was driving the car under effect of alcohol. Another reason of road accident is the weather condition. When the weather becomes bad, the chances of an accident can be increase. Strong winds can make effect drivers to stay in their lane. Last but no least I have some advice to the driver to follow. Check your car for example breaks, tires, lamp elt... Concentrate look well ahead and always be ready to react. Be aware of weather conditions and that they can change quickly. Don’t drive tired. If you feel that you are tired, stop and take a 20-minute relax and drink some coffee.

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