Saturday, October 4, 2008

An Inconvenient Truth

An inconvenient truth is one of the American academy awards winning documentary films about global warming presented by former of United States vice president Al Gore. The aim of the move is to show and explain to the people in the word about the danger of global warming. Also the movie shows, the increasing temperature of the Earth which started in the middle twentieth. One of the dangers of the global warming is the glaciers are almost gone. Also that will affect the people, because the forty percent of drinking water is come form it. The consequence of the ocean temperature rising is that it is going to reduce the ocean ice. If the ices become water, the sea level will increase and more disasters are going to happen such as flooding or hurricanes. There are three factors which contribute to the collision between our civilization and nature. First after 70 years we are at 6.5 billion and in 2050 we will reach around 9 billion. The second factor is the scientific and technology is increasing more and more. The third factor is our way of thinking and definitely all of theses factors are play significant part of global warming. By the way America has done great things to effect the global warming. In my opinion I strongly agree with this documentary film because every thing that he mentions is absolutely right.


Saleh174blogproject said...

Hi Ali AlHosani i read your article and it is somewhate short.

Ali Alhosani 174blogproject said...

Ok Saleh I will try to compelet it