Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Personal Information

Hi my name is Ali. I studied in technical institute for three years and I graduated in 2002. Then I went to Ruwais to work there for four years as an operator in petrochemical plant called Fertil. Now I’m sponsored by them. In 2006 started to study at Abu Dhabi Men’s College. I'm studying Chemical Engineering. this is my second semester in second year here. I'm married and I have to sons. I leave in Abu Dhabi. My aim is to get master degree in engineering because it may help me looking forward to get high position in my job. In my free time like to see movie.

This blog will be about global warming and other social issues. I hope you find it interesting.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Introducton of Global Warming

These days’ people care more about the greenhouse effect than ever. But on the planet they burn fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil to get power. So that operation increases the amount of Carbon dioxide and other toxic gases in the atmosphere. By that the solar heat well reach the earth and increase the heat of the earth. So many nature disasters will happen for example we can notice the number of Category 4 and 5 hurricanes has almost doubled in the last 30 years. And other affect is will increase the temperature for example, in Greenland the flow of ice from glaciers in has more than doubled over the past decade. If the ice starts to melt or it becomes water the level of the sea will rise and so more flooding well happen. Also there are many affect on the animal such as polar bears can’t live if the ice becomes water. Moreover there is the affect on human, For example it causes some kind of cancer on the skin because the sun waves come direct from the sun without any filter by layer ozone.
for more information visit the link below:

Saturday, October 4, 2008

An Inconvenient Truth

An inconvenient truth is one of the American academy awards winning documentary films about global warming presented by former of United States vice president Al Gore. The aim of the move is to show and explain to the people in the word about the danger of global warming. Also the movie shows, the increasing temperature of the Earth which started in the middle twentieth. One of the dangers of the global warming is the glaciers are almost gone. Also that will affect the people, because the forty percent of drinking water is come form it. The consequence of the ocean temperature rising is that it is going to reduce the ocean ice. If the ices become water, the sea level will increase and more disasters are going to happen such as flooding or hurricanes. There are three factors which contribute to the collision between our civilization and nature. First after 70 years we are at 6.5 billion and in 2050 we will reach around 9 billion. The second factor is the scientific and technology is increasing more and more. The third factor is our way of thinking and definitely all of theses factors are play significant part of global warming. By the way America has done great things to effect the global warming. In my opinion I strongly agree with this documentary film because every thing that he mentions is absolutely right.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Opinion – An Inconvenient Truth

First of all I appreciate Al Gore because; he was the first political man that talks about the global worming. I strongly agree with Al Gore that opinion change has been slow. This is because the nature of human can’t be change easily. If they are used to doing some thing wrong, it would be difficult be change. For example in the past the people thought that the earth is flat and at that time if we explain to them that are not true they will not accept it. Also the good thing that he used is the line chart, because by that way we can imagine that how our world is going to be in the future. The picture and the music were effective and they appropriate with the movie. However, there is only one thing that I don’t agree about the movie. This was about describing of all the bad things which in detail, while the solutions were described only briefly. Any way the scale rating of the movie is 9 out of 10.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Eye on Lebanon

Lebanon is one of the most beautiful countries in the Middle East. It was called in the bible “The land of milk and honey” and it was mention 76 times in the bible book. The capital is called Beirut. Whose nickname Paris of the east. Famous singer who is called Shakira is half Lebanonese. There are five countries surrounding Lebanon which are Jordan, Syria, Israel, Cyprus and Turkey.

Modren history:
The circumstances between Muslims and Christians weren’t good especially between 1943 and 1948. There were so many factors that increased the tensions between them. For example when Lebanon gain of independence, the power was held by the Christians and so the Muslims had little say in the country. Also an other reasons of increase tensions were the influx of Sunni Palestine refugees that fuelled resentment amongst Lebanonese Christians. The result of the tensions was Syria sent 20000 troops to quash radical Muslims and 2000 Palestine were killed only in one massacre. In 1982 the Israeli army invaded the city to remove the Palestinian Liberation Organization. while the fighting was going on, in 1989 a peace deal was singed between Muslims and Christians offering an equal balance in power for both of them. On that conflict there were a lot of human and economic costs. As result of that, between 150000-200000 were killed in the civil war, 300000 people were wounded and nearly quarter of the population left the country.

Lebanon now:
These days if we go there, we will find sings of social and economic recovery in Beirut. For example building cranes are everywhere, US style shopping mall are being bult, teenage girls on roller blades share the wide walkway and we will see Syrian man who sell thick Arabic coffee. Currently there are some problems. For example the life is too expensive especially the electricity and phone bills. Moreover the foreign people don’t want to develop the country, the only want to get quick money from them.

"Eye on Lebanon." Globale Eye.25 Spring 2006. Royal Geograghic Society. 8 Apr. 2008 .

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Conflict Diamond PowerPoint

To view my PowerPoint on coflict diamonds
-Frist, click the link below
-Next, on the new page click Downlaod File
It may take a few second for the page to set itself up.
