Thursday, May 29, 2008

Greenhouse Cause of Global Warming

The earth atmosphere act like greenhouses and that mean to reducing the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emission and that will lead to a significant temperature change.The way of who the greenhouses work is that blocking heat transfer from inside to outside. For instants that the heat which inside your car when it’s parked in the sun in a hot day. So opining the doors and windows allows air waves to flow and the heat to drive away. In addition gas carbon dioxide and water vapour, methane, ozone, Nitrogen oxides and chlorofluorocarbons are caused by greenhouse gases causing the global warming. Instead of the high technology and researches we can see that global warming still knotted secret, because it’s still the temperature in increase all over the world during the last century and the ice in the South Pole and west pole still in melt.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Carbon Footprint

A Carbon Footprint is a measure of the impact human activities have on the environment in terms of the amount of greenhouse gases produced, measured in units of carbon dioxide. About my self there are three ways I contribute greenhouse gases. For example each weekend I drive 70km to my family house, I don’t use recycle material and I eat a lot of meat and milk. I used two website to measure the exact carbon footprint. In the first site I got 2.55 and the second site I got 10.5 so, the average is 6.525. In my class I asked four student and I came out that all of them got 6 and above. There are a lot of solutions to reduce the carbon footprint. For example use energy efficient light bulbs because it is energy efficient and long life also each bulb we use it saves at least 100 kg of CO2. Buy a car that is friendly to the environment and we should remember that our driving style also effect the carbon footprint.